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Hallo Besucher!
geschrieben von: kostelly (IP-Adresse bekannt)
Datum: 03. April 2003 19:41


I am the old admirer of mark Mercedes.

I shall state the situation. I had been got Mercedes W126 380sec with not the native engine (M123).

The reason of replacement to me is not known for the previous owner. I have decided to restore the status quo, have got the engine (M116) 4,2, but at installation on Station of service there were problems with connection KE-Jetronic, vacuum system and a box of switching of transfers. Up to the nearest station a Mercedes 1100km and full absence what or literatures. Asked questions at conferences, but did not receive answers. Whether there is an opportunity to receive these instructions at you (E-mail) or even references to the helpful information (Russian, English, German).


Pimenov Konstantin

Ust Kamenogorsk


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